Angela Wang's Journal
Mar 2007
1:04 AM EDT
Itis a weekend again. So I shall go home and unite with my family members tonight. In this season it is suitable for tour though the wind is stronger than that inother seasons. Hence my sisters and brothers in my class are going to climb Zhongshan Mountain in Pink Mountain region tomorrow. I really want to go there with them, but now I decide not to do that. The reasons for it are two: for one thing, I have gone there many times before; and anotheris, Ishould do some washing at home and play with my baby. In fact, I do like to play with my dear classmates becausethe opportunity is so rare.
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Angela Wang's Profile
Angela Wang
Gender / Age:
Female, 47
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ANGELA WANG's Interests:
About Me:
I am a Chinese girl studying in a college majoring environmental science for my master degree. I am married, and have a very good husband.
Reading, traveling although I am poor and could not afford it.
Favorite Music:
folk songs
Favorite Movies:
Forest Gum
Favorite Television:
nature program
Favorite Books:
red dream